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My name is Anna Rose Geddes and this website is the online platform for Granite newspaper.


As the growing pains from childhood fade and the challenges of our early twenties loom, a new understanding of who you are is created. The load of responsibilities and constant changes in the environment force a different nature upon you. Your wardrobe starts to grow into what you think is sophistication, your heart starts to heal and break and heal again, and your mind becomes open to the possibility that life will continue no matter how you feel. 

It wasn't until I moved to London that I understood how intrinsically linked my heritage and identity are. The identity you felt that was once carried by Mum and Dad, and your favourite TV shows and places to go get lost in the chaos of self-discovery as a young adult. However, these small but mighty memories stay with you and as I have found, re-enter your life throughout time. Every day in London I miss being around broad-speaking Scots, fresh air, fresh food and space to live- and to live simply. 

I feel a strong belief that my little part of the world in the Northeast of Scotland is one of the most beautiful you can find. It is filled with people who care, who laugh, who feel, and who are kind. Creating this newspaper has deepened my knowledge of where I come from, and I hope to pass on the same experience to you. 

It now feels humorous to reflect on how long it took me to realise that the identity that I was searching for, thinking I would gain miraculous confidence and understanding, has been here all along. Yes, our sense of self can change through time and as I move onto the next phases of my life, I am sure it will change the most it ever has. However, my search for self-validation wasn't found walking the streets of Soho or visiting the Eiffel Tower alone. It wasn't found in finding new friends or buying new clothes, it has always sat at home. It is embedded in our culture to be proud of our families, our clans- whoever we may choose them to be. I would like Granite to hold a space for the people of the Northeast to gain recognition and feel encouraged to embrace their heritage. I hope this issue radiates as much love as I have poured into it. 



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